Terms and Conditions
The Academic year
is divided into 3 Semesters
- Fee for the Academic Year can be payable term wise or on annual basis in the form of cash, card, or cheques.
- Registration Fees of AED 550 (non-refundable) is payable to process the application.
- If a student joins the school mid-year as a late enrolment, fees for the semester in which they are joining will be calculated on pro rata.
How to Secure Your Child's Admission
1. Registration Fee – 550 (Non refundable)
2. Admission Fee – 1000 (Non refundable)
3. Medical Fee – 300 (Non refundable)
4. ID Card/Diary – 50 (Non refundable)
5. Tuition Fees - 10% (Non- refundable) will be adjusted with term fee.
Additional Costs
An additional cost will be implied on Toolkit (Apps, Events, etc), Educational Materials, School Uniform, Meals, and Replacement of Student ID Cards/Diary etc.
Re-Registration – Existing Students
The school charges 5% of the tuition fees as a registration fee to confirm that students will choose to take up the offered places for the next academic year. The fees are non-refundable but adjustable against the tuition fees.
Sibling and Single Mother Discount Policy
- Sibling discount will not be applicable to Pre-KG & KG-1
- Sibling discount will be applicable from KG-2 onwards
- The above Fee Policy will be applicable from 1st April, 2020

All students from PREKG to Grade 12 study in a co-education atmosphere in terms of classroom sessions.
Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions
- This website is being protected and the information is encrypted.
- “All credit/debit cards’ details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties”
- In case of any disputes the law applicable would be based on the UAE Governing Law.
- “springdalesdubai.com will not deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC sanctions countries in compliance with the law of UAE”.
- “United Arab of Emirates is your company’s country of domicile”.
- “We accept payments online using Visa and Master Card credit/debit card in the AED. If “Credit Card Online” is selected as the payment methods then the details on the Customer Id (Card Holders Id) should exactly match that of the credit card used to make the purchase”.
Code of Conduct
Parent/s and Students agree to maintain and uphold their responsibilities towards Springdales Code of Conduct, This includes, but is not limited to, exercising courtesy at all times while on school premises and while interacting with Springdales Staff and other Parents and Students.
Contact Information
- Parent/s agrees to inform Springdales Admissions Office of any changes to their contact details, ensuring that they can be reached at any time via email, SMS and telephone.
- All students enrolled in school should be under the care of the authorized guardian and should not be residing independently.
- Parents need to inform Springdales Admissions Office in writing if they intend to withdraw the child from the school for any reason, and should provide 7 days prior notice to enable the office to be ready with exit formalities and arrange applicable refunds if applicable.
- A cost of AED 120/- is to be paid for all Transfer Certificate.
- Admission withdrawal rules (After the Child has attended school)
- If a student attends school for 2 weeks or less, the fee for the full month will be charged. In case the term fees have been paid in advance, 1 month’s fee will be deducted and the balance refunded.
- If the student attends school for a period ranging between 2 weeks to 1 month, the fees for 2 months will be charged. In case the term fee has been paid in advance, 2 months fees will be deducted and the balance refunded.
- If the student attends school for more than a month, the entire term fee will be charged. In case the term fee has been paid in advance, no amount will be refunded.
- Registration/Admission fee; educational materials fee, uniforms, toolkit, and other sundry expenses are not subject to refund.
- Refunds will be done only through Cheques and not cash