
What is wellbeing at Springdales all about?

At Springdales school, Dubai, we are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to all students, their families, members of staff and governors. Our open culture allows students’ voices to be heard, and through the use of effective policies and procedures we ensure a safe and supportive environment for all affected – both directly and indirectly – by mental health issues.

6, 7 & 8 More than 95% of the aggregate 50%
9 & 10 More than 90% of the aggregate 30%
More than 95% of the aggregate 50%
11 & 12 More than 90% of the aggregate 30%
More than 95% of the aggregate 75%

Wellbeing Policy

Wellbeing Action plan

Wellbeing Overall Result 2021

Wellbeing Committee

SSD Wellbeing photographs

Wellbeing Event Calendar