
Finding Joy in the Workplace: A Teacher’s Perspective on Well-being

“What makes you happy at work’’?

That cup of coffee amidst the chaotic classes? Laughing over something silly with my students in the classroom? A compliment I receive about a dress I am wearing? A pat on the back from my Head for a work well done? A birthday lunch from my colleague.

For me, it is the assurance and support of my Head, Coordinator and colleagues whenever I am low.

Workplace well-being is something which is often spoken about as work related stress can have far reaching impacts on our physical and mental well-being.

Despite the pressures of deliverables, we still need to find our spaces of comfort and joy in our workplaces to be able to be the thriving houseplants that we are. 




For lucky me and my colleagues, the concept of staff well-being is a crucial and significant term at my workplace – Springdales School. Well-being of the employee is taken care of right from Day 1 in the form of buddy mentors allotted to a new staff who can guide the new entrant at every step ensuring that no deadline or work protocol is missed. The Well-being Coordinator steps in and has a detailed Induction session with the new entrant, very mindfully taking through the school policies, protocols, staff handbook etc. which sets a positive tone to starting afresh in this organisation.

Thereafter, amidst the every-day learning, teaching, exams and submission deadlines, glimpses of well-being are evident in every sphere of our every -day routine. Our weekly department meets in the afternoons start with words of appreciation for a colleague or team members for putting in the slightest effort and doing things well. The whole guessing game routine of who is due to be lauded by the Section Head filled with giggles and heartful banters at once refreshes and lightens up the everyone’s mood even after a tiring day at work. 

Fostering physical and mental well-being of staff is a regular practice and is provided in the form of  meditation, yoga sessions, dance, badminton games etc during the CPD weeks or stay back days. 

The sweetest gesture for me personally through is the birthday wishes received by all of us by the school HR. This adds a special touch to our days. 

Dressing up together or wearing colour coded clothes for special days like Teachers’ Day and other school events also makes us all look forward to our workplace.

To conclude, my workplace makes me feel valued and special in my own way and this positive vibe of strength and support is my happiness mantra of workplace well-being. What’s yours?